Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty book

Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

 Daron Acemoğlu  


Ever wondered why some nations are rich while others are poor? Want to delve into the roots of global inequality and the patterns that lie beneath? Interested in the roles of historical events like the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, or the division of Korea in shaping economic trajectories? Curious about the choices made by leaders in countries like Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, or North Korea that perpetuated poverty? Dive in to unravel the mysteries of world inequality and the pivotal role of political and economic institutions in a nation's fate.

Ever wondered why some nations are rich while others are poor? Want to delve into the roots of global inequality and the patterns that lie beneath? Interested in the roles of historical events like the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, or the division of Korea in shaping economic trajectories? Curious about the choices made by leaders in countries like Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, or North Korea that perpetuated poverty? Dive in to unravel the mysteries of world inequality and the pivotal role of political and economic institutions in a nation's fate.


Can the Tale of Bill Gates and Carlos Slim Explain the Global Economic Disparity?

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Unraveling Global Inequality: The Power Politics Behind Rich and Poor Nations

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How Did Economic and Political Institutions Influence the Divergent Paths of North and South Korea?

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Black Death and Beyond: How Critical Junctures Shape Economic and Political Institutions

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Could the Shift from Inclusive to Extractive Institutions Be the Downfall of Prosperous Economies?

01 Jan 1970




Printing Press and Industrial Revolution: How Politics Dictate Technological Adoption and Economic Success

01 Jan 1970




Did Historical Events Like the Spice Trade and the French Revolution Contribute to Today's Global Inequality?

01 Jan 1970




From Rebellion to Democracy: Emergence of Inclusive Institutions and the Rule of Law in England and America

01 Jan 1970




Did British Colonialism and Post-Independence Power Struggles Shape Sierra Leone's Economic Trajectory?

01 Jan 1970




From Rhodes to Mugabe: The Destructive Power of Extractive Institutions in Zimbabwe

01 Jan 1970




Final Recap

01 Jan 1970



About Author

Daron Acemoğlu is a prominent Turkish-American economist renowned for his research on political economy, economic development, human capital theory, and labor economics. He co-authored "Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty" with political scientist James A. Robinson. The book, published in 2012, explores the underlying reasons why some nations achieve sustained economic success while others remain in poverty, emphasizing the role of institutions and political governance in shaping economic outcomes. Acemoğlu's influential work in this area has made him one of the most cited economists in modern times.