Ever wondered why some teaching theories are more popular than their effectiveness warrantsAre you curious about the realities of learning styles, multitasking, and the impact of music on cognitionReady to dive into the importance of academic learning time, the role of confidence in learning, and the complexities of the learning processAnd what about the intriguing Stanford marshmallow experiment and the phenomenon of inattentional blindnessLet's explore these captivating questions and more.;
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John Hattie is a renowned education researcher from New Zealand. He is the author of "Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement," which has had a significant impact on the field of education. His work synthesizes a vast amount of research to understand the factors that most strongly influence student learning. Hattie's concept of "visible learning" helps educators focus on evidence-based strategies that genuinely enhance achievement. His book is considered a cornerstone for educators aiming to use research-informed methods to improve classroom practice.
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