The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults book

The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults

 Frances Jensen  

Education  Family & Kids  

Are you curious about the teenage brain and its complexities? Want to find out more about the impact of marijuana, technology addiction, and the importance of sleep on adolescents? Do you wonder about the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and head traumas on their developing brains? If so, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to understand and navigate these critical years in a teenager's life.

Are you curious about the teenage brain and its complexities? Want to find out more about the impact of marijuana, technology addiction, and the importance of sleep on adolescents? Do you wonder about the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and head traumas on their developing brains? If so, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to understand and navigate these critical years in a teenager's life.


Is Your Teen's Impulsive Behaviour a Product of Their Brain's Immature Frontal Lobes?

01 Jan 1970




Exploring the Final Frontier: The Fascinating Journey of Our Ever-Evolving Brains

01 Jan 1970




Is Your Teenager's Sleep Pattern Ruining Their Health and School Performance?

01 Jan 1970




Decoding the Teenage Brain: The Hidden Dangers of Tobacco and Alcohol

01 Jan 1970




Is Marijuana Use More Dangerous for Adolescents than Adults?

01 Jan 1970




Guiding Adolescents Through Emotional Storms: Understanding Teenage Mental Health

01 Jan 1970




Is Digital Age Creating a Generation of Internet Addicts and How Does It Affect Their Academic Performance?

01 Jan 1970




Rising Concussion Rates Among Female Athletes: An Unseen Epidemic in High School Sports

01 Jan 1970




Final Recap

01 Jan 1970



About Author

Frances Jensen is a renowned neuroscientist and professor of neurology with expertise in teenage neurological development. Along with science writer Amy Ellis Nutt, Jensen co-authored "The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults." In this book, they explore the unique and often misunderstood development processes of the adolescent brain, offering insights and practical advice to parents and educators for supporting teenagers through these critical years of growth and change.