Are you aware of the global epidemic of sleep deprivation and its severe consequences, not just on personal health but also on economic productivityDid you know that even famous personalities like Winston Churchill and Salvador Dalí have recognized the importance of sleep and dreamsHow can we learn from historical wisdom and modern science to improve our sleep habits, manage disorders, and harness the restorative power of sleepUnravel the mystery of sleep, its significance across various sectors, and the journey to enhanced sleep for overall well-being.;
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Arianna Huffington is a renowned author, businesswoman, and co-founder of The Huffington Post. She wrote "The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time," which explores the critical role that sleep plays in our overall well-being and productivity. In the book, Huffington advocates for a cultural shift towards prioritizing sleep to improve both personal health and professional performance. Her work has been influential in raising awareness about the importance of sleep in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.
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