The Power of Your Subconscious Mind book

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

 Joseph Murphy  


Are you aware of the immense power residing within you?

Do you know that your subconscious mind holds the key to abundance, joy, prosperity, and even healing?

What if you could unlock this power and become the captain of your soul, the master of your fate?

Intriguing stories of a hardworking man overcoming guilt, a school teacher turning criticism into self-improvement, and examples of individuals defying age to pursue their passions, are all a testament to the power of the subconscious mind.

Are you aware of the immense power residing within youDo you know that your subconscious mind holds the key to abundance, joy, prosperity, and even healingWhat if you could unlock this power and become the captain of your soul, the master of your fateIntriguing stories of a hardworking man overcoming guilt, a school teacher turning criticism into self-improvement, and examples of individuals defying age to pursue their passions, are all a testament to the power of the subconscious mind.;


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Can Tapping into Your Subconscious Mind Unleash Infinite Riches and Happiness?

01 Jan 1970




Unlocking the Miracle: The Power of the Subconscious Mind in Healing and Creativity

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Can You Really Think Yourself into Success or Failure?

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Unlocking the Wealth Within: Harnessing the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

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Can the Power of Your Subconscious Mind Unlock Revolutionary Discoveries and Personal Growth?

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Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Forgiveness and the Subconscious Mind

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Can Your Subconscious Mind Be the Key to Overcoming Life's Greatest Challenges?

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Final Recap

01 Jan 1970



About Author

Joseph Murphy was an Irish-born American author and New Thought minister, ordained in Divine Science and Religious Science. He is best known for his book "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" (1963), which has been a bestseller since its first publication. Murphy's work combines a spiritual perspective with practical techniques to harness the power of one's subconscious mind for positive personal transformation and the achievement of one's goals. His teachings emphasize the metaphysical principles for overcoming mental obstacles and the use of affirmations and visualizations to foster belief and change.

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