Ever wondered how a business can thrive by prioritizing purpose over profitHow does a CEO's mindset shape the future of a companyHow does a company's purpose, or Just Cause, inspire passion and commitment among its stakeholdersHow can cultivating a culture of trust enhance productivity and overall organizational successDive into this captivating narrative that explores these questions and more, shedding light on the importance of adopting an 'infinite mindset' in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.;
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Simon Sinek is an acclaimed author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant best known for popularizing the concept of "The Golden Circle" and for his advocacy of leading with a "Why." In his book "The Infinite Game," he explores the idea that business should not be treated as a series of finite games with clear winners and losers, but rather as an ongoing, infinite game where the primary objective is to perpetuate the game itself. Sinek encourages leaders to adopt a long-term mindset, focusing on sustainable success through a strong organizational culture and an enduring purpose.
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