The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness book

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness

 Jonathan Haidt  

Psychology  Family & Kids  

Are we raising a generation trapped in the digital realm?

How has the rise of smartphones and social media derailed the traditional course of childhood?

What are the mental, emotional, and even spiritual costs of this shift?

Explore a riveting analysis that links the rise in adolescent mental health issues to the 'Great Rewiring' of childhood in the digital age. Discover how we can reclaim a healthier, play-based childhood for our kids.

Are we raising a generation trapped in the digital realmHow has the rise of smartphones and social media derailed the traditional course of childhoodWhat are the mental, emotional, and even spiritual costs of this shiftExplore a riveting analysis that links the rise in adolescent mental health issues to the 'Great Rewiring' of childhood in the digital age. Discover how we can reclaim a healthier, play-based childhood for our kids.;


Key Ideas

Read or Listen to the full summary


Is Technology the Silent Villain Behind the Surge in Teen Mental Health Crises?

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How iPhones and Social Media Hijacked Childhood: A Decade of Transformation

01 Jan 1970




Are Hyper-Vigilant Parents and Unregulated Online Exposure Endangering Children's Development?

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Guiding Growth: Laurence Steinberg's Insights on Shaping Adolescent Minds

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Are Smartphones and Social Media Rewiring Our Kids' Brains for the Worse?

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Alexis Spence's Fight: The Hidden Crisis of Social Media on Young Girls

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Is the Digital Age Leading Boys Down a Path of Loneliness and Anomie?

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How Technology and Social Media Challenge Our Spiritual Well-being

01 Jan 1970




Can We Reverse the Smartphone Trend for Kids Like We Did with Titanic's Safety?

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Phone-Free and Play-Rich: How Schools Are Revamping Mental Health for Kids

01 Jan 1970




Final Recap

01 Jan 1970



About Author

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist and professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. He is known for his research on the psychology of morality and the factors that influence moral decisions. Haidt has authored several influential books, including "The Righteous Mind" and "The Coddling of the American Mind," which explore the interplay between culture, psychology, and society. In "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness," Haidt examines the impact of technological and societal changes on the mental health of younger generations.

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