Ever pondered about the complex world of economics and its impact on developing nations, endangered species, and the benefits of trade? Ever wondered how renowned experts like Jeffrey Sachs and William Easterly propose contrasting solutions to global poverty? What about the role of powerful government institutions like the Federal Reserve in maintaining economic stability? Or the intriguing story of how Coca-Cola capitalized on the fall of the Berlin Wall? Dive into this riveting exploration of economics, from the struggles of a Malawian man to the strategic decisions of global corporations.;
Charles Wheelan is an American economist, lecturer, and author, best known for his book "Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science," which presents economic principles in an accessible and entertaining manner. He aims to demystify economics for the general reader by stripping away the jargon and showing how economic concepts affect everyday life. Wheelan is also a senior lecturer in public policy at Dartmouth College and has written other popular books on statistics and public policy. His work emphasizes the practical application of economic theory to inform decision-making and public discourse.