Ever wondered why Goldman Sachs' culture breakdown led to its downfall, or how the cooperation-focused culture of The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai enabled its employees to perform acts of heroism during a terrorist attackCurious about how the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous can help combat workplace toxicityIntrigued by the biological basis of leadership and how hormones like cortisol and oxytocin play a role in our work behaviorDiscover how the essence of leadership lies in service, sacrifice, and fostering a culture of trust and safety, and how these traits can cultivate a committed, productive, and healthy team.;
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Simon Sinek is a renowned leadership expert, motivational speaker, and author best known for popularizing the concept of "Why" in his first TED Talk based on his book, "Start With Why." In his book "Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't," Sinek explores the idea that great leaders create environments in which people feel safe, valued, and where cooperation thrives. He draws on real-life experiences and scientific research to present his views on effective leadership and organizational success. Through his work, Sinek has inspired many to adopt a more empathetic and mission-driven approach to leadership and business.
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